June 09, 2007


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

The photography hunt started and ended at the Drake Hotel. There we found this old fashioned photo booth. I highly recommend it, for $2 you get 4 really neat looking B&W photographs. May '07


Blogger Desdelpupo said...

Tus fotos son un lujo, felicidades!!

3:30 p.m., June 11, 2007  
Blogger fotocube said...

Wow, who's that stunning creature inside? I bet her pretty face broke the machine...

(Psst...I'm trying to call you, but someone's hogging the line, yo)

9:37 p.m., June 11, 2007  
Blogger Desdelpupo said...

Hola de nuevo, vi todo tu blog y el progreso, mes a mes, es increible, me gustan mucho tus fotos y tu progreso, porque el mío se le parece un poco. Saludos desde ecuador, ve mi blog si puedes. Y una pregunta? como puedo hacer para publicar las fotos así de grandes? Saludos, David.

12:02 p.m., June 12, 2007  

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