April 06, 2006

Snow Berries

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This is a photo from the first snow fall back in November. I always love how snow sets at the beginning of winter on little berries that are hanging on for as long as they can. Just yesterday it was snowing a little bit, just like it usually does one last time in April. I think it is over now. The future looks warmer, for me at least. Winter '05


Blogger . said...

The berries looks delicious. The grain of the picture looks special, is that the effect of traditional film rolls, or is that done by software?

10:55 a.m., April 06, 2006  
Blogger adekeijzer said...

This was a photo that I took with my film camera (Rebel K2) and then the negatives were scanned. I'm still getting over the shock of having a digital camera and how I no longer have to worry about taking too many pictures and then dealing with the costs. What is hard now is not ending up with too many slightly different shots of the same thing. =)

8:12 p.m., April 06, 2006  
Blogger . said...

Ha Ha Ha, I can empathize with that, my PC harddrive is also overloaded with too many slightly different shots, and many enhanced versions using photoshop. After a while, I can no longer tell the difference between them.

1:06 a.m., April 07, 2006  

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