January 02, 2007

Narnia II

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I can't take credit for this photo, because obviously I didn't take it since I'm in it. Julia did back in Narnia but I really like it and wanted to post it. Dec '06


Blogger fotocube said...

Very nice. It looks like your head is on fire. Black fire!

10:33 p.m., January 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

after my taking credit for the discovery of narnia the other night, i am quite impressed by your honesty and virtue. how very narnian, you know. hope montreal is good ... i will write as soon as i'm settled.

10:59 p.m., January 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are good on both sides of the camera! B&W at its best, very nice.

10:41 a.m., January 04, 2007  

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