April 08, 2006

B&W Playground

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Another shot of my cousins and little sister in the surrealistic playground. Winter '05
I am off tomorrow on a four month long trip. As always I still haven't packed. It's been busy with finishing school and getting the things I need for my travels. The tentative dates and places so far are:
April 9, 06 - Havana, Cuba
April 27th, 06 - Mexico City
June 14th, 06 - Xalapa, Veracruz
June 24th, 06 - Southern Mexico
July 2nd, 06 - Guatemala & Belize
July 9th, 06 - Honduras & Nicaragua
July 14th, 06 - Costa Rica
August 14th, 06 - Back to Canada...
Where ever possible I will try to upload photos and findings. Keep on coming by and leaving comments, I love it when I get your comments! I will miss you all, my sweet friends. I will be back though. Hugs, Andrea


Blogger . said...

Have a nice and save trip, God bless your family. Take picture often ;)

8:35 p.m., April 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my dearest andrea...always off to see the world! I will be waiting for you in toronto when you return, we will eat yummy food and show each other boxes full of pictures. have wonderful travels and be safe.
love always, jules

8:55 p.m., April 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The b&W tones give the impression of a dessert, not sure if you were going for that....groovy.

5:28 p.m., April 09, 2006  
Blogger adekeijzer said...

hmm, that is interesting. i wasn't trying though.
i am in cuba. i am safe, so far. =)

5:47 p.m., April 09, 2006  
Blogger fotocube said...

Hokay, good. Let me know when you're not safe anymore.

11:52 p.m., April 09, 2006  

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