June 30, 2006

Rusty But Wired

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A rusty fence near my dad`s house in Xalapa. June `06
Trip Update: Maja and I are currently in Taxco, a really lovely town up on a mountain where all the houses are white with sweet red roofs. It is famous for silver jewelry, there are more silver shops than any other kind of shop or restaurant. We are leaving for Xalapa tomorrow, from there we`ll go to Veracruz and then fly to Merida, in the Yucatan Peninsula. It`s been really lovely so far and Mexico is feeding us well and cheaply.


Blogger James Weber said...

I noticed you spent some time in Apan, Hidalgo, Mexico. I'm heading down there in a month or so as part of a documentary I'm filming. You can check it out at http://www.soluz.co.nr. I'm just wondering if you could help give me a picture of the town, so I know what to expect. We have some contacts in the town, but I'd like to talk to a "visitor". Feel free to email me at soluzfilms@gmail.com.
James Weber,
Producer- Soluz Films

5:40 p.m., July 01, 2006  

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