July 15, 2006

Grass & Rock

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This is a shot from Tajin, though from the previous trip to Mexico. Winter '05
UPDATE: We are currently in Flores in Guatemala. We left the Yucatan Peninsula after a lot of turquoise waters and lovely pyramids, passed very briefly throught Belize, quite poor and flodded but with good music on thier busses. This morening we had an early start to go to Tikal and see the sunrise, it was magical. Next we`ll head down to the southern part of Guatemala. So far all runs well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice perspective, and details on those rocks are great.

10:52 p.m., July 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hola Ea! espero que tus aventuras sigan estando tan bellas. yo sigo aqui en montreal, todo muy bien. Diana.
Pd. ya me cambiaron de grupo y las clases estan mucho mejor.

7:42 p.m., July 19, 2006  

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