November 05, 2006

Barber Shop

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During the World Cup, every time Mexico played the entire city came to a stand still for 2 hours. Maja and I were often not stuck to a TV during these times, so as we walked the streets of Mexico City we could see all the little groups huddled around their TV's and every so often communal cheers and roars of frustration. June '06


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow Andrea this picture is outstanding! I love your composition and your selection of focus. Great colors too! And the expression of the man is terrific. Great work!!

8:34 a.m., November 06, 2006  
Blogger adekeijzer said...

Thanks Kris, i feel like he thought it was his time to model. It's like those cheesy photos on old magazines...

8:55 a.m., November 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes... great capture of the mexican atmosphere.
We were there also with the worldcup and we saw this moments all the time when Mexico plays.
Even when Holland plays they looked at the tv :-)

p.s.: answer on your question on my blog: we were in Tulum too, and Chichen Itza and.... ;-)

6:13 p.m., November 13, 2006  
Blogger . said...

:O wow! Very impressive, feels like a movie scene.

8:26 a.m., December 10, 2006  

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