January 12, 2007

Tu Kola

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While in Cuba we thought it was the funniest thing this cola-soft drink called "Tu Kola" which could be translated to "Your Butt". This is Liz, one of the girls from Mexico taking the two week course. April '06


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is nice ... i can learn some more spanish from you! :-) will come in handy.

2:03 p.m., January 14, 2007  
Blogger fotocube said...

I'm amused by the contrast between "your butt" and the classy wine glass. Nice.

10:31 p.m., January 14, 2007  
Blogger Sidney said...

Nice portrait! Nice composition. I think it adds to the picture that she looks away from the camera. Well done!

10:02 p.m., January 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A que sabe tu kola?? jejeje, Besos! Diana

2:04 p.m., January 20, 2007  

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