May 01, 2006

Red Love

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From the airport to the city, I caught a ride with a sweet Canadian girl who´s newly wedded Cuban husband had come to pick her up. They met while she was on an exchange program in Havana, Cuba. They got married two months ago but she had to go back to Canada to finish her degree. They are in the process of getting the papers so he can go to Canada, but the process is not surprisingly: long and hard. In the mean time she came to visit him for a couple of months. It was one of the sweetest reunions I´ve ever seen. They were so in love. He brought her a rose and cookies, she had their developed wedding photos. The whole ride to the city center they held hands. April ´06


Blogger fotocube said...

That's sweet. I can't wait to see all of your photos. In person.

1:51 p.m., May 01, 2006  
Blogger . said...

Hi! Wellcome back, everything is fine right? It's nice that your blog becomes active again. The "Mid-Night Domino" is a good one, I wish my family can sit together and have some board games like what you did (my family members are often too busy to come together).

The "Red Love" is artistic and the color stunning, it's like from the hands of a professional photographer... you're becoming a photographer, are'nt you?

You mentioned about the picture of the moon, the aperture was 8 and took about 6-7 seconds for exposure. Here in Hong Kong, air pollution is serious, a clear night is hard to come by, especially in spring time.

By the way, I've set up another blog recently for a group of friends who love hiking, and we are preparing for a 100KM race coming November. In this blog you can see some of our fotos, have a glance when you have time, see ya! :-)

3:52 a.m., May 02, 2006  

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