January 21, 2007

Blue & Yellow Concrete

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From the town of the 1001 cats and dogs, Tortuguero, I bring you this kitty. She lived by the cabins wehre we stayed, adn we think she was pregnant. This photo is a shot from her back. Aug '06
NOTE: I love when you can see the underneath layers of paint in walls and concrete, it's as if the past is making it's come back, bursting through the weaker top layers of paint. Often the colours are contrasting but go so well together.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

beautiful picture! all colors match perfectly ... very warm. i also like the vignetting very much.

8:39 p.m., January 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can't get enough of cat photos, purr purrr !
and the background is noteworthy, reminds the "decollage" art movement.

4:18 p.m., January 24, 2007  

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