February 08, 2007


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I think this flower was waiting for love, like me. Winter '05


Blogger fotocube said...

Mmm. Such lovely tones. I really like that green. And I will love you unil...you find love. I guess.

10:37 p.m., February 08, 2007  
Blogger j. said...

maybe you and the flower should love each other?
it would be like the little prince except you are not very prince-like and this flower (what is it?) is more beautiful than any rose.
i like the amelie-colours (red, yellow, green everywhere and little sundots of blue).
also i don't think i ate the website, but did i? i have been very hungry of late.

12:12 p.m., February 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo. Very delicate.

1:07 a.m., February 12, 2007  

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