September 29, 2007

Off To New Lands

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Dear Eyes,

Time has come to move on, blogspot can only do so much. I have
joined the world of pixelpost and now have my own domain at Please drop by for a visit and update
your respective bookmarks. Thanks so much for visiting me here,
it's been really heart warming to see the number of visitors grow
and getting all of your very helpful and humbling comments.
Hope to see you soon at my new home. -Andréa-

September 11, 2007


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

A daisy from Alberta, you can tell by the shape of the petals. :) June '07

NOTE: I thought I would be able to get back into regular posting once Sept started but with school beginning I've been busy busy busy. It will have to eventually slow down a bit and I will be able to post more stuff from my summer trips and more recent stuff.

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