March 31, 2006

Green Baker

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After the inauguration show of the new theater at York, there was a fancy dinner for all the people who have donated money. This sweet man was cooking and baking backstage. I thought it was interesting how unappetizing the food looked all wrapped up in plastic and crates. But likely by the time it got upstairs to the dinning hall, it was looking a lot more handsome. Spring '06

March 29, 2006

Behind the Curtains

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Dancers waiting behind the curtains. Spring '06

March 28, 2006

Persian Red

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This past week I've been working backstage for a world dance show at York University. This is one of the Persian dancers getting ready to go on stage during the last performance. Spring '06

March 27, 2006

Forest Moss

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I found these strange red capped moss-iles in this forest close to Xalapa. We went up to the mountains to get a christmas tree. It was a really beautiful day and I had wonderful company: my pap, my little sister, her best friend Megan and her parents. Winter '05

March 26, 2006

Blue & Yellow Tiles

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A Mexican fountain with colourful tiles. Winter '05

March 25, 2006


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Here's my cousin Diana going through the trapdoor in the stone tower. Winter '05

March 24, 2006


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Maddy during our last Kennetha stretch class.Winter '06

March 22, 2006

Sleeping Toes

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These are Jade's little toes. The photo has a morning feeling but it was actually taken at night, just after I put her in bed. I over exposed it to add a bright background. Winter '06

March 21, 2006

Monsters & Kitties

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I couldn't help but see the resemblance between the bright eyes of the young kitty and these odd monsters on the duvet cover. Winter '06

March 20, 2006

Purple & Pink Spring

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It's the first day of spring! The geese are comming back, the birds are out singing and the flowers are beginning to grow - even if they are indoors, like these ones from Maja's house. I liked the white backgorund because it gives the photos a studio look. Winter '06

March 19, 2006

B Flat

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This weekend I was cat sitting since this kitty's family was out of town for the weekend. I visited every day to give him food and play with him. As soon as I would get there, he would jump on me and begin to purr. It was so sad to leave and hear him crying, alone in the parent's room, listening to the radio. Winter '06

March 18, 2006

Through the Trap Door

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While in Mexico, we went to Apan. My uncle Nico has a house there which was his mother's. She built a three storey stone tower next to it for the purpose of dreaming. My two cousins, little sister and I spent the night there and it was magical. It felt very castle like, especially since the only light we had came from three candles. It was perfect except for the deep cold that filled the tower in the night. Nevertheless, I can't wait to go back. Here is my little sister, Lusje, climbing up the ladder and through the trap door.

March 17, 2006


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These are "Los Voladores de Papantla", literally meaning the fliers of Papantla. They perform this ritual, with roots embedded in their spiritual beliefs. It is amazing to watch as four men start at the top, wrap the rope around their foot and spiral down. All the while a fifth man plays beautiful tunes on his tiny flute at the very top of the pole. They start training the kids from a very young age and continue to do it until they are quite old, one of the men this time that I saw it in Tajin was well into his 70s. Traditionally it was only for men but some women's groups have started to sprout. Winter '06

March 16, 2006

Keeping An Eye

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This is Jade's Kitty admiring Maja's eye on the computer screen. Winter '06

March 15, 2006

1/4 Face

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This is Jade, the sweet child I babysit every weekend, though she is not a baby and I don't sit on her. I was taking pictures of her while she played and she began to make silly faces. I am not sure what she was doing here, but she looks quite serious. I really like the composition and the detail of her bangs (I used my +1, +2 and +4 macro lenses). Winter '06

March 14, 2006

Sepia Fairy

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Here it is! The first picture taken with my new camera. I am in such awe at the quality of the photos and the practicality of being able to upload them directly to the computer. I used to be against digital cameras. I thought that in this world where everyone wants immediate gratification, film cameras were a way to learn to be patient. I used to have to wait to finish the roll, then wait for it to be developed. And then when I received the package with my photos it was a lovely gift full of good (and bad) surprises. However, At this moment, I think I've changed my mind... slightly. Winter '06

Black & Blue

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Another sea still life in Veracruz. Winter '06

March 12, 2006

Toes In Sand

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My toesies playing in the sand, Veracruz. Winter '05

March 11, 2006

Busy Bees

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It felt like spring today, the sun was shining and it was beautifully warm outside(10C). I was out and about playing with my new camera. As soon as I load the software I shall post picture from recent times. This bee graciously posed for me in Tajin, Mexico. The tree was filled with busy bees collecting pollen. When walked underneath it there was a loud resonating hum while it rained little flowers, which the bees had dropped. Winter '06

March 10, 2006

Mexican Fountain

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Here's a lovely scene in a small ex-town, that was engulfed by Mexico City. It used to be in the outskirts but now it is right inside. On another Mexican note, I was asked today by a British girl at school if Cuba was in Mexico? This was after she had asked me about where to go if she wanted to spend a week on the beach. I suggested Cuba or Mexico, due to culture and price. It shocks me and saddens me that in this world, full of information readily available, people still don't take the time to learn about other places and cultures other than their own.

March 09, 2006

Photo Contest

I entered this contest in February where a travel agency was looking for three shots that captured campus and student life. I submitted the three photos above. Today I was surprised to receive an email saying that I have been selected as a finalist. I want to thank my patient subjects. Now I must send in my contact sheet -after I figure out what exactly they mean by that - and then wait to see who wins. The first prize is a two week trip to Europe, expenses paid, so that you can take pictures for them. How sweet is that? Winter '06

March 08, 2006

Spiky Beauty

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Today was a really beautiful day, with a captivating improv class, a free pair of pointe shoes, a trip with Maja to buy our new Rebel XTs, lunch at an Austrian cafe in the Beaches and two gratifying ballet classes. Now I can't wait to go to bed and start playing with the camera on the weekend. This is a cactus flower from a Mexican cactus, after the flower dies the cactus pear appears. Winter '05

March 07, 2006

Sea Still Life

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At the same beach I found this interesting composition. Winter '05

March 05, 2006

The Dunes

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My pap at the top of the sand dunes on a beach along the coast of Veracruz. He stayed there to meditate and watch the ocean while I went to explore the huge desertic surroundings. Witner '05

March 04, 2006

Lusje & Rain

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Lusje, my little sister, looking out the car window one rainy afternoon in Xalapa. Winter '05

March 03, 2006

Foggy Forest

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Another view of the forest. Winter '05

March 02, 2006

Foggy Kiss

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After buying foggy fruit I caught this foggy kiss on the road leading to my dad's house. There is a really beautiful forest on the right side with trees covered with all types of parasite plants, the sad part is that there is also parasite garbage bags left by humans. Winter '05

March 01, 2006

Foggy Fruit

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The view from inside the fruit shop. It can often get quite foggy in Xalapa, it's one of the most humid places I know. Winter '05