March 19, 2006

B Flat

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This weekend I was cat sitting since this kitty's family was out of town for the weekend. I visited every day to give him food and play with him. As soon as I would get there, he would jump on me and begin to purr. It was so sad to leave and hear him crying, alone in the parent's room, listening to the radio. Winter '06


Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:39 a.m., April 02, 2006  
Blogger Pattie said...

Terrific shot! Virtuoso kitty.

8:46 a.m., May 13, 2006  
Blogger adekeijzer said...

thanks! it took a little while to capture but it was worth the wait.

1:13 a.m., May 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This cat is very lovely. May I use it on the site where I have opened music to
the public?

12:28 p.m., May 04, 2007  
Blogger kirby said...

wow! thats an amzing shot! Did you have to wait until he jumped onto them? or did you hold him up...

also. is that really a b flat? it makes for a nice title. and it sounds so sad for the cat to be left alone. listing to the radio? anyway. very nice!

11:34 p.m., March 22, 2008  
Blogger kirby said...

wow! thats an amzing shot! Did you have to wait until he jumped onto them? or did you hold him up...

also. is that really a b flat? it makes for a nice title. and it sounds so sad for the cat to be left alone. listing to the radio? anyway. very nice!

11:35 p.m., March 22, 2008  
Blogger marbar said...

its really beautiful.
i love photos like this where its just the right moment.

i think its amazing.

2:55 a.m., March 23, 2008  
Blogger ACS said...

Hola Andrea.

Alguna vez utilicé esta foto del gato sobre el piano para mi blog

pero me doy cuenta que ya no está y me da mucha pena... ¿podrías volver a subirla o enviármela por e-mail para ponerla nuevamente en mi blog? Espero que lo hagas... me gusta mucho esa foto.

Tu trabajo es espectacular. Felicidades por tus fotografías.


12:04 a.m., January 04, 2010  
Blogger ACS said...

Hola Andrea, otra vez yo, molestando como siempre. Nunca te envié mi correo electrónico para ver si podía tener una copia de esta hermosa foto... realmente me gusta. Me encantan los gatos y los pianos, y la forma en que capturaste el momento es increible.

Mi correo es

Ojalá puedas enviármela. Me gustaría imprimirla y colgarla en mi casa.

¡¡Muchísimas gracias!!


9:16 p.m., May 04, 2010  

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