November 28, 2006

Agua Potable

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This street shot was taken in Pinar del Rio, a small city about 2 hours west of Havana. This is teh truck that distributes drinking water to the houses. I spent a day there after catching a ride with my friend's dad who had to go to a meeting in Pinar. It is a relatively small place without many travelers. I had about $1.00 worth in Cuban Pesos so I made it my mission to find food sold solely in the Cuban currency and not in dollars which is what tourists usually end up using in dollar stores. With that $1.00 I managed to get about 8-9 mini bananas, a cheesy pizza, two chocolate popsicles, and two blisters in my feet from all the walking and heat. April '06


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like the atmosphere you've captured in this one. The sun is very hot I think ;-)

4:46 p.m., November 30, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been interested in this theme for a long time and it was insulting for me that during development of technologies, I still search for the information offline. With the advent of your site I have plunged with all my soul into Internet.
- l
spaghetti alla carbonara

3:27 a.m., December 29, 2006  

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