November 16, 2006

Jesica's Kitchen

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While in Cuba in April I stayed with my friend Jesica for about a week. I met Jesica two years ago at the ballet school in Havana. Her family offered me a place to stay so I wouldn't have to spend money on a hotel. It was a very intense experience to stay with them both times. It's really difficult to deal with all the questions they ask about life outside of Cuba and eye opening to experience the realities of living in a communist country first hand. April '06

NOTE: We are at 10,000 visits! Thanks to all who've come by and to all who leave comments. I love comments, whether positive or critical. Keep them comming. I hope to give the blog a facelift during the break in December. I'll keep you posted if the site address changes. Andrea


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this a dutch cow? ;-)
The DOF works here very well.

5:26 p.m., November 16, 2006  
Blogger adekeijzer said...

I think it might just be, but one from Friesland that got stranded in Havana during the last flood. =)

5:37 p.m., November 16, 2006  
Blogger fotocube said...

Wow, Andrea. I'm at about 1300. Good job! sux to be me

10:51 p.m., November 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

neat focus

7:26 p.m., December 14, 2007  

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