November 10, 2006

Revolution Dust

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Findings from the dusty Revoluntion Museum in Havana, Cuba. My aunt donated a propaganda-type pencil that was my opa's to this museum last time she was in Cuba. My cousing Diana and I went to see if they had put it up but it wasn't there. THe good thing is that we got away with paying the Cuban entrace price (about 30 cents) and not the tourist price ( 8 dollars). We said we were studying at the ballet school and when the lady asked if we had student visas, I said that we were studying at the ballet school. It was enough to let us by. April '06


Blogger fotocube said...

Very nice. I just realised that I haven't actually seen all of your Cuban photos. (Also, this photo links to photobucket.)

9:37 a.m., November 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the two very contrasting pic's, side by side. Makes the suit stand out... nice reflection.


10:38 p.m., November 11, 2006  

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