February 15, 2007

Havana Boys

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This is an experiment and I wish to know your thoughts. I've been playing with adding texture filters and masking. Thanks Kris for explaining. This photo I took while walking down the streets of Old Havana. These two boys, like true Cubans, were arguing the whole way back from school. This is another shot of them. April '05


Blogger Unknown said...


The filter is neat and adds a vintage look to the photo - except for the very modern looking back packs. But I doubt that you had very much control over what those boys wore to school. It's interesting how the background has a grainier texture than the boys in the foreground. The texture of the boys seems almost softened and has the appearance of those Richard Linklater films Waking Life and Scanner Darkly, but to a lesser extent. Not sure how constructive that was for you, but over all a cool shot with nice composition.


11:50 p.m., February 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the processing. It has a timeless and vintage feel to it. This is a very cinematic image and it'ws a nice change from the usual feel of digital photography.

10:02 a.m., February 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great processing. I like the 'dusty' feeling in this one. What texture filters did you use? Would love to know...

7:05 p.m., March 03, 2007  

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